Muscle stimulation
Indicated in patients who wish to strengthen, tone and/or increase the muscle of abdomen, buttocks, arms, legs or thighs.
We use a technology based on muscle stimulation by electromagnetic waves, which generate deep involuntary contractions, ideal for muscle development.
Depending on the program that is selected, it can help reduce fat tissue, increase muscle mass, or mark muscles.
Non-invasive procedure performed in the office, with minimal discomfort.
Patients can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.
The treatment consists of 9 sessions spaced one or two days off.

Before and after photos
Dr. Rodrigo Morales De la Cerda
Cirugía plástica, estética y reconstructiva. Cirujano plástico certificado. Labio y paladar hendido. Aumento mamario, liposucción, lipoescultura, implantes mamarios, cirugía de nariz, rinoplastia

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