Mommy makeover
Set of surgical procedures, indicated in women who wish to restore the morphological changes that occur after pregnancy.
The areas of the body that commonly present these changes are the breasts, abdomen, waist, back, genitals and buttocks.
It can include several procedures, among which are: abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast lift, labiaplasty, gluteoplasty, among others.
Regional anesthesia (epidural block), balanced general anesthesia, or mixed anesthesia.
Generally outpatient surgery or one night in hospital.
7 days to gradually restart daily activities. Light exercise can be resumed at 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, and heavy exercise at 8 to 10 weeks.
Use of compression girdle and/or orthopedic bra for 8 weeks.
Minimally visible scars are hidden under underwear or bikini.
Before and after photos
Abdominoplastia, lipoescultura con lipotransferencia a glúteos y mastopexia periareolar con implantes de gel altamente cohesivo
Abdominoplastia, lipoescultura con lipotransferencia a glúteos y mastopexia periareolar con implantes de gel altamente cohesivo
Abdominoplastia, lipoescultura con lipotransferencia a glúteos y mastopexia periareolar con implantes de gel altamente cohesivo
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