It refers to the abnormal growth of the breast in men due to hormonal alterations, being overweight, medications, etc.
Technique: Gynecomastia can be corrected by laser-assisted liposuction, mastectomy (surgical removal of the mammary gland), or a combination of both techniques, depending on each case.
Local anesthesia and sedation, or balanced general anesthesia.
Ambulatory surgery.
3 to 5 days to resume daily activities. Light exercise can be resumed at 3-4 weeks after surgery, and intense exercise at 6-8 weeks.
Use of a compression vest for 8 weeks.
Visually imperceptible scars of 2 to 3 mm.
Before and after photos

Corrección de ginecomastia con lipoaspiración

Corrección de ginecomastia con lipoaspiración

Corrección de ginecomastia con lipoaspiración

Corrección de ginecomastia con lipoaspiración

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