Dr. Rodrigo Morales De la Cerda
Cirugía plástica, estética y reconstructiva. Cirujano plástico certificado. Labio y paladar hendido. Aumento mamario, liposucción, lipoescultura, implantes mamarios, cirugía de nariz, rinoplastia
Breast reduction
Indicated in women who want to reduce the size of the breasts, due to aesthetic preferences, or when they have physical and/or psychological problems derived from the weight and excessive size of the breasts.
There are several techniques, with differences in the extension and location of the incisions, depending on the degree of sagging of the breast. (Figure 1)
In selected cases, it can also be achieved by breast liposuction.
Balanced general anesthesia.
Generally ambulatory surgery.
7 days to resume daily activities. Light exercise can be resumed at 4 weeks after surgery, and intense exercise at 8 weeks.
Wearing a special orthopedic bra for 8 weeks.
Before and after photos

Figure 1. Different types of incisions for breast reduction.
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