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Dr. Rodrigo Morales De la Cerda

Cirugía plástica, estética y reconstructiva. Cirujano plástico certificado. Labio y paladar hendido. Aumento mamario, liposucción, lipoescultura, implantes mamarios, cirugía de nariz, rinoplastia

Breast reduction


  • Indicated in women who want to reduce the size of the breasts, due to aesthetic preferences, or when they have physical and/or psychological problems derived from the weight and excessive size of the breasts.

  • There are several techniques, with differences in the extension and location of the incisions, depending on the degree of sagging of the breast. (Figure 1)


  • In selected cases, it can also be achieved by breast liposuction.

  • Balanced general anesthesia.

  • Generally ambulatory surgery.

  • 7 days to resume daily activities. Light exercise can be resumed at 4 weeks after surgery, and intense exercise at 8 weeks.


  • Wearing a special orthopedic bra for 8 weeks.

Before and after photos

Esquema reducción

Figure 1. Different types of incisions for breast reduction.

Schedule your appointment today.

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© 2021. Dr. Rodrigo Morales De la Cerda. Certified plastic surgeon. ABC Medical Center. (55) 1664-7300 , Whatsapp: (55) 5407-8076  

La Salle University  Professional Certificate 4001955  National Autonomous University of Mexico Specialty ID 6323074 Advertising Notice 223300202A0014

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